“Fat Shaming”…

You know, I hear the phrase “fat shaming” pretty frequently. I don’t particularly like the word “fat” so I tend to cringe every time I hear it. I never realized how common it was until today. Again, I tried to believe we as humans had more decency than that… I was wrong.  

Today, I read a story of a man who was laughed at and shamed on Twitter for– get ready for it– drumroll– dancing! The nerve of him… 

Why on earth would anyone in their right mind make fun of a man for enjoying life?! Every other instagram post is an inspirational quote about how we need to “dance in the rain” or “dance like no one’s watching”, but when someone does it, our first reaction is to post of photo of him on Twitter and call him a “specimen”… I’m sorry, was m-a-n too generic for your 60 followers? Jerk.  

The best part… A woman named Cassandra started an “anti-fat shaming” campaign by inviting the man to a dance party– Enter hot girls and celebrities– seems really sweet, right? Wrong. She has multiple posts calling people “fat”, claiming she’s disgusted by it. But being a douche doesn’t get you more followers. So what do you do? You start a fat shaming campaign! 

This whole thing is ridiculous! Why is it ok to call people fat?!? Why do people get joy out of hurting other people? This is a constant theme in my blogs and I apologize for the rant, but good Lawd! 

If you’re the type of person who gets pleasure out of causing pain, become a plastic surgeon.. You get to make people look the way YOU think they should and you get to inflict pain, win/win! 

Rant over.